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Event Tracking API

EventBunker supports HTTP POST request with write api key in the http header and JSON data in the body to track events. Incoming data is written into event storage under 10 seconds, that makes near-realtime queries possible, there is no 1 or 3 minutes batch windows for roll-ups in our event analytics, even for metrics.

Tracking Api scales up automatically, so you do not need to use batch requests, you can send as many requests as you want per second. Contact us by email for initial data migration from previous storage if you are planning to ingest 10+ million events in a few hours.

EventBunker supports multiple projects and api keys under one account. This is a HTTP POST rest api which you use WRITE api keys in request header to send event data to EventBunker.


Projects are logical separation of collected event data and queries. Which means that you can not access a project's data from another project using api keys, so think about query use-cases before designing data ingestion.

We suggest using separate projects for separate applications, mobile apps, websites, etc.. where you do not need to combine data for single view of analytics.

Since query, write, delete api keys are project bound, so each key has a project id on it and a WRITE api key can work for single project, you do not need to provide project id while writing data, we auto-fill it using api key metadata. You will see billed write counts by project in our web application for billing purposes.

There is an additional feature in write api keys when a customer_identifier attached to it, read more at How to Use Api Keys

Event Data Format

The only required field in request is event_name. On top of that EventBunker generates a list of generic fields listed in documentation which are derived from request metadata, such as IP address to location, user-agent parsing, utm tags, device and operating system information.

Continue reading at Event Data Format

Tracking Events Using POST API

You can send all kind of valid JSON as event request body as long as you have event_name value set as one of the fields. Timestamp is optional, if not set current UTC time is used. You can also use metric_name and metric_value fields if you want to use EventBunker simply as a timeseries database in addition to full-feature event analytics and customer behavior analysis.

Continue reading at Tracking Events

Looking for more?

Please contact us by email if you have a tracking use-case which you think that is not covered in EventBunker.